Jan 19, 2025
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook
Faculty ByLaws: Chapter 6. Special and Ad Hoc Committees
Structure and Meetings
The special committees of the faculty shall be the Academic Misconduct Board, the Athletics Committee, and Faculty Grievance/Appeals Committee.
The chair of the Athletics Committee shall solicit agenda items monthly, September through April and will determine when a meeting is needed.
The Academic Misconduct Board meets on an as needed basis as determined by the Academic Dean.
The Academic Misconduct Board meets on an as needed basis as determined by the Academic Dean.
Special Committee Makeup and Responsibilities
The Academic Misconduct Board (AMB) is responsible for conducting hearings on matters referred to it by the academic Dean. The AMB reports its verdicts to the parties involved, the academic Dean, and the CAO. Proposals emanating from the committee needing broader consideration are sent to the Faculty.
The AMB shall consist of the following: five faculty members, selected by the Faculty in April with the term of service beginning May 1 and lasting for a twelve-month period; the Registrar; and the Senior Director of Academic Success.
The five faculty members on the board will select a chair among themselves.
The five faculty members on the board will serve as a pool from which membership is selected for a particular hearing. The chair of the board determines a membership of three faculty members from the approved pool for each hearing.
No person who has any direct personal or professional involvement in a particular case shall participate in the selection of the membership for the hearing or as a member of the hearing committee to ensure impartiality and prevent conflict of interest. Such a person would be expected to recuse themselves. If the Chair has recused themselves, another faculty member on the board takes over the selection process.
Once the hearing committee membership is established, the individual for whom the hearing is being conducted shall have the right to challenge any member or members due to conflict of interest. The individual shall notify the Chair of any potential conflicts of interest that may impair the fairness of the process. The Chair will make the final determination on whether a conflict exists. If the Chair has recused themselves, that duty would fall to another faculty member on the board.
The Athletics Committee shall consider questions relating to the intercollegiate athletic program. Proposals emanating from the committee needing broader consideration are sent to the Faculty.
Membership shall consist of the following: Faculty Athletic Representatives (one of whom shall be designated Chair of the committee by the President); Athletic Director; Senior Woman Administrator; three faculty members selected by the Faculty by April 30 with the term of service beginning May 1 and lasting for a twelve-month period and two students.
The Chair shall develop and distribute agendas for, preside at, and take minutes for all meetings of the committee. Minutes from each meeting shall be completed within one week of the meeting. Minutes are normally distributed after approval at the next meeting, but unapproved minutes may be made available generally or by request prior to approval. Minutes shall be distributed to the committee, faculty and the Vice President for Athletics.
Faculty Grievance/Appeals Committee shall hear grievances or appeals brought by faculty members on matters specified as eligible for grievance or appeal in the Faculty Handbook. The committee reports recommendations or determinations as outlined in the Faculty Handbook.
The Faculty Grievance/Appeals Committee shall consist of the following: five faculty members, three of whom must be tenured.
The members shall be selected by the officers of the Faculty in collaboration with the CAO, using the standards set forth in Chapters and of these bylaws. The grievant or appellant shall have the right to veto one selection and the right to appoint one replacement member of their choosing, but who meets the standards established in Chapter of these bylaws.
No person who is identified as a target of a grievance, is involved in the decision being appealed, or has any other direct personal or professional involvement in a grievance or appeals case shall participate in the selection of the grievance or appeals committee members or as a member of the committee to ensure impartiality and prevent conflict of interest. Any such person would be expected to recuse themselves from the proceedings.
If the grievance is brought specifically against the CAO, the CAO shall play no role in the selection of the grievance committee membership. In such a case, the President shall designate another member of the administration to participate in selection of the Faculty Grievance Committee, and the Committee’s recommendation shall be reported to the President through the Chair.
Once committee membership is established, the grievant or appellant shall have the right to challenge any member or members due to conflict of interest. The grievant or appellant shall notify the Chair of any potential conflicts of interest that may impair the fairness of the process. The Chair will make the final determination on whether a conflict exists. If the Chair has recused themselves, that duty would fall to the Vice Chair.
Ad Hoc committees may be created by the faculty to work on special projects that do not normally fall within the jurisdiction of standing or special committees. Such committees are seated by using the process presented in Appendix B of these bylaws. After the completion of its task, the Ad Hoc Committee ceases to exist.