Evaluation of Lecturers
Faculty holding annual-contract or extended-contract lecturer appointments prepare a self-evaluation that focuses on the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness and professional development using the university approved Faculty Self-Evaluation Form for Lecturers. The faculty self-evaluation is submitted to the academic Dean by January 15. The frequency of self-evaluation is once per contract period for annual contract lecturers or annually for extended-contract lecturers. Such evaluations are intended to be used for developmental as well as evaluative purposes.
Criteria for Self-Evaluation
Conduct in accordance with professional and ethical standards, university core values, and the duties and responsibilities of UIU faculty, as teachers provides the context for each of the areas outlined below: teaching effectiveness and professional development.
Teaching Effectiveness
Upper Iowa University is primarily a teaching institution and lecturers are contracted to teach. A lecturer may choose to take on additional commitments in the realms of scholarship and service, but such commitments should not interfere with their primary responsibility of teaching.
Measures of teaching effectiveness include self-evaluation, student assessment of instruction, and supervisor/peer review of teaching by the academic Dean or assigned designee, as well as any additional peer reviews that are conducted.
Professional Development
The faculty member’s self-evaluation discusses the faculty member’s professional development activities pertinent to their teaching.
Supervisor/Peer Review of Teaching
Teaching by lecturers is reviewed at least once per contract period or annually by the academic Dean or designee. The results of these reviews are reported using the Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form. The faculty member may choose to have additional peer reviews performed at their discretion to better inform their development.
Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for Lecturers
The Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for Lecturers is used as an evaluation of the faculty member’s performance during the contract period. The academic Dean or designee prepares the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form, which evaluates the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness and professional development, and sets forth goals for continued improvement. A designee of the Dean is, in most cases, expected to be a department or program chair of the department or program in which the faculty member holds appointment. Collaboration between the Dean and department or program chairs on faculty evaluation is strongly encouraged. If the Dean appoints a designee, this should be clearly communicated to both the designee and the lecturer.
The academic Dean or designee will consult a variety of resources when preparing the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for Lecturers, including the faculty member’s self-evaluation, student assessments of the faculty member’s instruction, and supervisor/peer reviews of teaching completed using the Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form.
The academic Dean will determine a mutually agreeable schedule for this coaching that maximizes the ability of the faculty member to provide evidence of effective teaching, yet also allows any developmental feedback to be implemented in the remainder of the contract period. The Dean, or in cases where an assigned designee completes the form, the Dean and the assigned designee will meet with the faculty member to discuss the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form. Following this meeting, the faculty member and the Dean sign the form indicating that a discussion has taken place and the document is forwarded to the CAO. The CAO shall ensure that the document is placed in the faculty member’s Human Resources Office personnel file where it will be retained.
Evaluation of Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty
Annual Self-Evaluation
Faculty holding tenure-track or tenured appointments prepare an annual self-evaluation that focuses on the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service during that academic year, using the university approved Faculty Self-Evaluation Form for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty. The faculty self-evaluation is submitted to the academic Dean by June 15. Such evaluations are intended to be used for developmental as well as evaluative purposes, as further set forth below.
Criteria for Self-Evaluation
Collaboration, collegiality and conduct in accordance with professional and ethical standards, university core values, and the duties and responsibilities of UIU faculty, both as teachers and also as members of the University community provide the context for each of the four areas outlined below: teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service.
Teaching Effectiveness
Upper Iowa University is primarily a teaching institution. While scholarship, professional development, and service are expectations of employment, teaching effectiveness is the principal criterion by which faculty are evaluated.
Measures of teaching effectiveness include self-evaluation, student assessment of instruction, and supervisor/peer review of teaching by the academic Dean or assigned designee, as well as any additional peer reviews that are conducted.
UIU recognizes categories of scholarship as described by Boyer. These include the scholarship of discovery (traditionally thought of as “research”), integration (making connections across the disciplines), application (application of knowledge to consequential problems), or teaching (application of knowledge to student learning).
The faculty member’s self-evaluation discusses the faculty member’s scholarship in at least one of the Boyer categories in light of the examples listed under Scholarship in Chapter above or associated with the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review.
Professional Development
UIU faculty members are expected to maintain a high level of professional competence and should keep current with requirements, knowledge, or trends, as well as contribute to improved student learning, program development, or curriculum revision.
The faculty member’s self-evaluation discusses the faculty member’s professional development in light of the examples associated with the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review.
Service to the University and Community
Service to the university may include departmental, programmatic, or general university service. Community service may include geographic, professional, or other communities.
The faculty member’s self-evaluation discusses the faculty member’s service in light of the items listed in Service in Chapter above or associated with the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review.
Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review
The Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review shall make recommendations to the CAO on tenure, promotion, third-year review, and fifth-year review requiring consideration by the committee. The recommendations and all processes and information included, shall be considered confidential.
The committee shall consist of five faculty members. All five must be tenured, rank is not a consideration.
A year of service on this committee runs from May 1 of one academic year to April 30 of the next.
The members of the committee will be selected through the following process.
Three committee members will be selected through a faculty nomination and election process to be completed at or shortly after the March Faculty meeting of each year. In this process, each committee member will be nominated and elected by a vote of full-time faculty. A random draw will determine the initial length of term for each committee member (one, two, or three-year terms). After the initial term of service, committee members will serve a three-year term.
An additional two members will be selected through a random draw to be completed by April 1 of each year. All eligible faculty, barring those with a conflict of interest, those applying application for promotion, or those involved in a fifth-year review requiring consideration by the committee, will be placed in a pool from which the CAO will randomly select two committee members. Committee members selected through the random draw process will serve a one-year term.
In May, the committee members will select one of their number to serve as committee chair. The chair will be responsible for scheduling meetings and serves as the connection between the committee and the Office of Academic Affairs.
In consideration of their recommendation, the committee will review the academic Dean’s recommendation along with the faculty member’s application portfolio to make a fully informed, objective recommendation to the CAO. The CAO will make a recommendation to the President, and the President subsequently to the Board of Trustees for final consideration.
As described in Chapter 6.2.1 all tenure-track faculty complete an annual self-evaluation. Completion of the self-evaluation is guided by the Faculty Self-Evaluation Form for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty.
Supervisor/Peer Review of Teaching
Teaching by tenure-track faculty in their probationary period is reviewed at least once annually by the academic Dean or assigned designee. The results of these reviews are reported using the Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form. Additional peer reviews of teaching beyond those conducted by the Dean or assigned designee are required for third-year review as noted in Chapter and application for tenure and/or promotion as noted in Chapter The faculty member may choose to have additional peer reviews performed at their discretion to better inform their development.
Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty
The Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty is used annually as a comprehensive evaluation of the faculty member’s performance each year during the probationary period, except the year in which the application for tenure is submitted. The academic Dean or designee prepares the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form, which evaluates the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service; and sets forth goals for continued improvement. A designee of the Dean is, in most cases, expected to be a department or program chair of the department or program in which the faculty member holds appointment. Collaboration between the Dean and department or program chairs on faculty evaluation is strongly encouraged. If the Dean appoints a designee, this should be clearly communicated to both the designee and the faculty member.
The academic Dean or designee will consult a variety of resources when preparing the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty, including the faculty member’s self-evaluation, student assessments of the faculty member’s instruction, and supervisor/peer reviews of teaching completed using the Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form.
The academic Dean, or in cases where an assigned designee completes the form, the Dean and the assigned designee will meet with the faculty member to discuss the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form. Following this meeting, the faculty member and the Dean sign the form indicating that a discussion has taken place and the document is forwarded to the CAO by no later than October 1. The CAO shall ensure that the document is placed in the faculty member’s Human Resources Office personnel file where it will be retained.
The third-year review provides a comprehensive assessment of the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service, including suggestions for continued improvement in instances where the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review recommends renewal of the faculty member’s Faculty Teaching Agreement.
A third-year review is intended to contribute to the probability for a successful tenure application during the sixth year of the faculty member’s appointment and thus applies only to faculty holding tenure-track appointments and consists of an independent evaluation of the faculty member by the academic Dean and by the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review.
An individual going up for third-year review shall compile a portfolio for review. This portfolio shall be electronically submitted and shall contain the following required elements:
Letter of application from the faculty member going up for third-year review.
Table of Contents certified and signed by the candidate as being true.
Written notification from the academic Dean establishing the candidate’s eligibility for third-year review.
Summary evaluation of the faculty member’s performance and achievements in the areas of teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service, from the issuance of a tenure-line appointment. Completion of the summary evaluation is guided by the Faculty Summary Evaluation for Third-Year Review; Promotion; and/or Tenure form.
Current curriculum vitae that outlines all of the candidate’s professional work.
Current statement of teaching philosophy.
Two yearly self-evaluation narratives from the candidate’s first two academic years of service at the university.
Two yearly Faculty Summative Evaluations completed by the academic Dean or designee from the candidate’s first two full academic years of service at the university (any missing Faculty Summative Evaluations should be indicated or explained by the candidate).
Two yearly supervisor/peer reviews conducted by the academic Dean or designee, and at minimum, two additional faculty peer reviews (see Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form) completed within twelve calendar months prior to January 15 of the application year and received by the candidate no later than January 15 of the application year. At least one of these must be from a tenured faculty member at UIU and one from a full-time faculty member within the candidate’s department or program.
Copies of all Upper Iowa University Student Questionnaires for Student Evaluation of Instructor and Course received for classes taught since the issuance of a tenure-line appointment. Any missing student evaluations should be indicated and explained.
At the discretion of the candidate, a section of supplementary materials may be included. Examples of appropriate supporting materials include materials relating to service to Upper Iowa University prior to the issuance of a tenure-line Faculty Teaching Agreement, innovative projects, classroom assessment tools and results, sample web pages (with links shown), student work (used with permission), development of University initiatives, recommendations from former students, acknowledgments of teaching awards/nominations; off-prints of published articles, chapters, and reviews (although reference to citations of same in the curriculum vitae is sufficient); conference presentations or abstracts, grant proposals and reports, accessible forms of creative works, and reviews and citations of professional work; and appropriate correspondence (such as letters indicating the status of a work in press). Some of these materials may be submitted in or make reference to approved electronic formats.
Letters of recommendation may be included with a candidate’s portfolio, though they are not formally required. Letter writers should send recommendations directly to the Office of Academic Affairs. The CAO will place such letters in the candidate’s application portfolio, and notify the candidate of such action.
All other documentation deemed relevant by the academic Dean or by the CAO as allowed by Human Resources.
Third-year reviews are conducted according to the following timeline:
October 1: The academic Dean will formally notify a candidate of their eligibility to apply for third-year review in writing by October 1 of the candidate’s third academic year since the issuance of a tenure-line appointment.
January 15: By no later than January 15 of the third year of his/her appointment, a faculty member holding a tenure-track appointment submits to the academic Dean a third-year review portfolio (see Chapter The Dean is responsible for making this portfolio available to both the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review and the CAO according to the timeline below and ultimately and recommends either a renewal of the faculty member’s appointment or a non-renewal of appointment.
January 22: Based upon his/her careful and thorough evaluation of the materials submitted, the academic Dean completes the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review and recommends either a renewal of the faculty member’s appointment or a non-renewal of appointment, and forwards the completed rubric and their recommendation to the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review. Both the letter and the completed rubric should provide context to aid in the continued development of the faculty member.
February 22: After their careful and thorough evaluation of the materials the faculty member has submitted and of the recommendation and rationale of the academic Dean, the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review will complete the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review and will simultaneously forward to the faculty member and the CAO the letter and completed rubric from the Dean, together with their completed rubric and a letter informing the CAO of their concurrence or lack thereof with the recommendation of the Dean. Both the letter and completed rubric should provide context to aid in the continued development of the faculty member.
March 1: After carefully considering the materials submitted by the faculty member and in consultation with the academic Dean and Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review, the CAO issues either a letter of renewal or a letter of non-renewal. As noted in Chapter above, a faculty member whose appointment is not renewed may, but need not, request a written explanation of the circumstances of non-renewal, which shall be provided by the CAO or his/her designee upon request of the faculty member. If a faculty member is not renewed, his/her appointment shall end, unless otherwise agreed between the faculty member and the University, at the conclusion of the stated employment term (which is the conclusion of the academic year following the year in which the decision is made not to renew).
In extraordinary circumstances and where warranted, the CAO may extend the timelines set forth herein to permit full and fair reviews and full and fair consideration of third-year review applications. Any modification of the relevant timelines will be set forth in writing and provided to the faculty member and those needing to know from within the relevant department or program. Any such modification applies only to the particular situation and does not effectuate a general change or amendment to this Handbook or to any generally applicable UIU policies or procedures.
As described above, all tenured faculty complete an annual self-evaluation. Completion of the self-evaluation is guided by the Faculty Self-Evaluation Form for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty.
Supervisor/Peer Review of Teaching
Teaching by tenured faculty is reviewed at least once per five-year evaluation period by the academic Dean. The results of such reviews are reported using the Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form. One additional peer reviews of teaching by a tenured faculty member is required for fifth-year review. The faculty member may choose to have additional peer reviews performed at their discretion to better inform their ongoing development.
The first fifth-year review occurs in the fifth year after the year in which tenure was granted and in every fifth year thereafter. The fifth-year review provides a comprehensive assessment of the tenured faculty member’s teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service, including suggestions for continued improvement.
A fifth-year review may also contribute to the probability of a successful promotion application to professor, should the faculty member choose to apply for promotion. The first opportunity to do so, is during the sixth year after the year in which promotion to associate professor was granted.
The academic Dean and a tenured faculty member will each conduct at least one supervisor/peer review of teaching (see Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form) completed within twelve calendar months prior to January 15 of the year in which the fifth-year review is conducted and received by the candidate no later than January 15 of that same year.
The academic Dean shall have access to yearly self-evaluations, evaluations conducted since the issuance of tenure or since the previous fifth-year review, copies of all Upper Iowa University Student Questionnaires for Student Evaluation of Instructor and Course received for classes taught since the issuance of tenure or since the previous fifth-year review, and all other documentation deemed relevant by the faculty member’s Dean or by the CAO, as allowed by Human Resources.
Fifth-year reviews are conducted according to the following timeline:
October 1: The academic Dean will formally notify a candidate of their participation in the fifth-year review process in writing by October 1 of the candidate’s fifth academic year since the issuance of tenure, or since the previous fifth-year review.
January 15: By no later than January 15 of the fifth year since the issuance of tenure, or since the previous fifth-year review, the tenured faculty member participating in the fifth-year review process ensures the academic Dean has completed at least one supervisor review of teaching and directs at least one additional peer review of teaching by another tenured faculty member to the Dean. The Dean is responsible for assembling any other documentation used for the purposes of the review as outlined in Chapter above.
February 22: Based upon his/her careful and thorough evaluation of the pertinent documentation, the academic Dean completes the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form and the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review. The purpose of this review is both evaluative and developmental. Taking into consideration the level of rank of the faculty member, areas in which the faculty member is demonstrating outstanding leadership will be highlighted and any recommendations for improvements that could or should be undertaken on the part of the faculty member will be noted. This documentation is shared and discussed with the faculty member, who shall have the opportunity to respond in writing. After completion, and if no immediate action is required, the documents will be signed by both individuals and forwarded to the CAO. The CAO shall forward the documents to the tenured faculty member’s Human Resource Office personnel file where they will be retained.
If immediate action is required as a result of the fifth-year review, the process in Chapter immediately below is followed.
Cases where a Tenured Faculty Member Shows Substantive Need for Improvement of Performance, Conduct, or Behavior Issues
In any case where evidence exists that a tenured faculty member shows substantive need for improvement of performance, conduct, or behavior, the academic Dean will complete the Faculty Summative Evaluation Form and the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review in regards to the tenured faculty member. The purpose of this review is both evaluative and developmental in the sense that the goal is to support the faculty member in returning to or exceeding the level of performance, conduct, or behavior expected at their current rank. To that end, a written remediation plan will additionally be developed by the Dean. It is expected that the Dean should have a variety of resources available for the evaluation and coaching involved in this process, including, if appropriate for the type of coaching needed, supervisor/peer review of teaching using the Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty Teaching form and student evaluations.
The completed Faculty Summative Evaluation Form, the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review and the written remediation plan shall be shared and discussed with the faculty member, who shall have the opportunity to respond in writing. Additionally, imposition of remediation may be grieved as noted in Chapter 9.2.2 of this Handbook. After completion (pending the outcome of any resulting grievance process), this documentation will be signed by both individuals and forwarded to the CAO. By signing the documentation, the faculty member does not necessarily indicate their agreement with the statements or contents, but is agreeing to follow the remediation plan. The CAO shall forward the document to the tenured faculty member’s Human Resources Office personnel file where it will be retained.
The faculty member will have up to one year to successfully complete or make significant progress on the remediation plan. If a faculty member fails to complete or make significant progress on the remediation plan, or if his/her performance continues to fall below acceptable standards, the documentation and resources consulted by the academic Dean in the initiation of this process, the completed Faculty Summative Evaluation Form, the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review, the written remediation plan and evidence of unsatisfactory progress towards remediation are submitted by the Dean to the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review. That committee will have up to three weeks from the date of submission to make a recommendation to the Dean and the CAO regarding the tenured faculty member. The faculty member may be subject to additional remediation and/or discipline, including dismissal from employment, as set forth in the procedures outlined in the Faculty Handbook.