Jan 19, 2025
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook
Faculty ByLaws: Chapter 4. Procedures
Regular Faculty Meetings
Regular meetings of the faculty shall occur at 3:40 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month from September through April and the business of the Faculty will be largely transacted at such meetings.
Regular meetings shall be open to attendance by all members of the faculty as defined in Chapter 2 of these bylaws. Invitations to attend are extended to pertinent administration and staff as determined by the Chair and Vice Chair.
Proposals approved by the Faculty shall be recommended to the CAO.
Special Faculty Meetings
Special meetings of the faculty to discuss or decide specific issues may occur at other times.
Attendees at special faculty meetings must be defined in the call for the meeting.
Special faculty meetings shall be called by the Chair or Vice Chair supported by a majority vote of the voting membership of faculty holding voting rights as defined in Chapter 2 of these bylaws.
Special Meetings of the Tenured Faculty
Occasionally, it may be necessary for tenured faculty to discuss specific issues.
Special meetings of the tenured faculty shall be called by a tenured faculty member supported by a majority vote of the membership of the tenured faculty.
Such meetings are presided over by the Chair or Vice Chair if the other is not tenured, or by the individual calling the meeting, if neither officer is tenured.
Administrative meetings: the President or CAO retain the rights to call meetings of the faculty at their discretion.
For any faculty meeting
Meetings may be in person or virtual.
A quorum shall consist of the voting faculty members in attendance.
Minutes from all faculty meetings shall be completed within one week of the meeting. Minutes are normally distributed and put forward for approval at the next regular faculty meeting, but unapproved minutes may be made available generally or by request prior to distribution for approval. Minutes shall be amended to include the results of any votes completed outside of faculty meetings on motions made during such meetings.
Faculty meetings shall operate according to a simplified version of Robert’s Rules of Order attached as Appendix A to these bylaws. The Vice Chair is responsible for adherence to these rules.
By motion and majority vote of eligible full-time faculty, the Faculty can elect to go into closed session, which shall be limited to faculty officers and voting members. By motion and majority vote of eligible full-time faculty, the Faculty can elect to leave closed session. Other than the vote to leave closed session, votes cannot be taken while in closed session.
The Faculty elects its officers by a majority vote of the eligible, full-time faculty.
Elections for Vice Chair and Secretary shall be held in the spring of each year, with the Chair in charge of elections. Nominations shall be secured and elections completed by April 30 of each year.
Special elections follow these same procedures, but are held on an as needed basis. Should a need arise to elect a Chair, the CAO shall be in charge.
Results of elections shall be moderated and overseen by the Faculty officers.
Voting by electronic ballot outside of faculty meetings is mandated by votes requiring a majority of the voting membership to pass or is permitted upon approval as part of a motion.