Structure and Meetings
The standing committees of the Faculty shall be the Academic Affairs Committee and the Curriculum Committee.
All standing committees shall meet, at minimum, monthly September through May. Additional meetings may occur on an as needed basis.
A member of a standing committee may designate a proxy should the member be unable to attend a meeting.
Standing committee meetings shall operate according to a simplified version of Robert’s Rules of Order attached as Appendix A to these bylaws or which can be made available through the committee chair.
When approving or recommending proposals, standing committees will determine whether approval or recommendation by the Faculty in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Faculty Handbook is in the best interests of the university and/or faculty. If so, the proposal shall be sent to the Faculty with the standing committee’s motion for approval or recommendation. Otherwise the proposal is passed on to the appropriate individual or body, or follows established processes.
Standing Committee Makeup and Responsibilities
The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) is charged with addressing the comprehensive spectrum of academic matters outside of the curriculum. This charge includes but is not limited to policies, admissions prerequisites, and transfer credit considerations. Decisions pertaining to university operations are not within the scope of this faculty’s recommendations.
The committee shall consist of the following voting members: five faculty members selected by the Faculty by April 30 with the term of service beginning May 1 and lasting for a twelve-month period; and non-voting members: CAO, Academic Dean, an Enrollment Management representative, Financial Aid representative, Registrar, Faculty Athletics Representative and a student representative chosen by the student government association. Voting members of the committee provide recommendations to the CAO in consultation with non-voting members.
In May, the voting members will elect one of their number to serve as co-chair along with the CAO, who exercises an autonomous vote distinct from the committee’s recommendations. Collaboratively together and with the Executive Assistant, the co-chairs undertake the development and dissemination of meeting agendas, preside over the proceedings, and document minutes for all committee sessions. Minutes from each meeting shall be completed within one week of the meeting. Minutes are normally distributed after approval at the next meeting, but unapproved minutes may be made available generally or by request prior to approval. Approved minutes shall be distributed to the committee and faculty.
The Curriculum Committee (CC) is charged with addressing the comprehensive spectrum of academic matters (curriculum). This charge includes but is not limited to: modifications to coursework, majors, programs, and academic prerequisites spanning both undergraduate and graduate programs.
The committee shall consist of the following voting members: five faculty members selected by the Faculty by April 30 with the term of service beginning May 1 and lasting for a twelve-month period, at least one of whom will be selected to represent graduate programs; and non-voting members: CAO, Academic Dean, Registrar, and an Enrollment Management representative. Voting members of the committee provide recommendations to the CAO in consultation with non-voting members.
In May, the voting members will elect one of their number to serve as co-chair along with the CAO, who exercises an autonomous vote distinct from the committee’s recommendations. Collaboratively together and with the Executive Assistant, the co-chairs undertake the development and dissemination of meeting agendas, preside over the proceedings, and document minutes for all committee sessions. Minutes from each meeting shall be completed within one week of the meeting. Minutes are normally distributed after approval at the next meeting, but unapproved minutes may be made available generally or by request prior to approval. Approved minutes shall be distributed to the committee and faculty.
The approval process for curriculum is established in the Curriculum Committee Handbook.