Jan 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook

Chapter 7. Tenure and Promotion




At Upper Iowa University, tenure is a mutual commitment involving the University and a faculty member. By granting tenure, the University is expressing confidence that a faculty member with proven accomplishments will continue to perform with distinction. In return faculty members granted tenure shall regard themselves as sharing, with each other and with the University, ongoing responsibility for the continuing fulfillment of the University’s educational mission. 


Tenure is an agreement between the University and its tenured faculty members under which appointments continue until the faculty member’s resignation, retirement, or separation from employment as set forth in Chapter 8 below. Tenure at UIU is never “de facto” or automatic but, rather, is granted only by formal, affirmative personnel action on the part of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees take into consideration the recommendations of the president in consultation with the CAO, following faculty and academic Dean review and recommendation consistent with the provisions of this Handbook. Tenure at Upper Iowa University resides in the program, major, or department to which the faculty member is assigned. 


Criteria for Tenure


Temporal Criteria

A candidate for tenure generally must meet the temporal requirements in order to apply for tenure.  Ordinarily, faculty members on tenure-track appointments apply for tenure in the sixth full year after completing five full years of their full-time employment at Upper Iowa University.

Subject to any limitations under applicable law or University policy, information about adjustments to the tenure clock that either accelerate or extend the probationary period will be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file and presented to the Committee on Tenure, Promotion and Review at the time the person applies for tenure.

Chapter 7.6 details mechanisms by which the probationary period may be extended or by which leave from or adjustments to the probationary clock may be requested.  Note that in any circumstance covered in Chapter 7.6, the tenure process will not be affected unless stopping of the tenure clock is specifically requested by the faculty member.


Evaluative Criteria

A candidate for tenure must:

have been originally appointed to and have continually served in a tenure-track position;

Possess a terminal degree or credential from an appropriately accredited university and in an appropriate field as set forth in the faculty member’s appointment letter, which degree or credential must have been successfully completed within the time frame specified in the original appointment letter or any revisions to that letter, and appropriate for tenure in the area being taught (unless other credentials are tenurable in that discipline, as stated in the hiring letter by the CAO and as determined by the CAO after consultation with the academic Dean and tenured faculty of the department or program);

hold the rank of assistant professor or higher;

In the context of collaboration, collegiality and conduct in accordance with professional and ethical standards, university core values, and the duties and responsibilities of UIU faculty, both as teachers and also as members of the University community, demonstrate:

a commitment to a record of effective teaching and the promise of continued development as a teacher;

a commitment to the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, or teaching;

a commitment to effective and sustained professional development;

a commitment to effective and sustained university and community service;

A candidate for tenure must file his or her formal application for tenure by no later than October 1 of her/his sixth year of appointment to a tenure-track position except as provided for under Chapter 7.6.

In determining whether a candidate presents a compelling case for tenure, teaching effectiveness merits the greatest considerations; however, scholarship, professional development, and service to the university and community are also required. 


Criteria for Promotion


From assistant professor to associate professor - To be successful, a candidate for promotion to the rank of associate professor must:

Have a terminal degree from an appropriately accredited university and appropriate for tenure in the area being taught (unless other credentials are tenurable in that discipline, as stated in the hiring letter by the CAO and as determined by the CAO after consultation with the academic Dean and tenured faculty of the department or program);

Have had a minimum of five years of success as an assistant professor or; a minimum of eight years of successful collegiate experience, or successful business, industrial, or related professional experience and demonstration of outstanding achievement and additional potential.

Chapter 7.6.2 details mechanisms by which leave from or adjustments to promotion or review timelines may be requested.  Note that in any circumstance covered in Chapter 7.6.2, the process timelines will not be affected unless specifically requested by the faculty member.

In the context of collaboration, collegiality and conduct in accordance with professional and ethical standards, university core values, and the duties and responsibilities of UIU faculty, both as teachers and also as members of the University community:  sustain the level of commitment required for tenure and demonstrate additional outstanding leadership in at least one area of commitment as described in Chapter


From associate professor to professor - To be successful, a candidate for promotion to the rank of professor must:

have a terminal degree from an appropriately accredited university and appropriate for tenure in the academic discipline being taught;

Have had a minimum of five years of success as an associate professor or; a minimum of thirteen years of successful collegiate experience, or successful business, industrial, or related professional experience and demonstration of outstanding achievement.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave will not affect the promotion process unless stopping of the clock is specifically requested by the faculty member.

In the context of collaboration, collegiality and conduct in accordance with professional and ethical standards, university core values, and the duties and responsibilities of UIU faculty, both as teachers and also as members of the University community:  sustain the level of commitment required for tenure and demonstrate additional outstanding leadership in at least two areas of commitment as described in Chapter


Application Portfolio for Tenure and/or Promotion


An individual applying for tenure, promotion, or both shall compile an application portfolio for review. This portfolio shall be electronically submitted and shall contain the following required elements:

Letter of application from the faculty member seeking tenure and/or promotion.  The letter should specify for what the faculty member is applying (i.e., tenure, promotion, or both).

Table of Contents certified and signed by the candidate as being true.

Written notification from the academic Dean establishing the candidate’s eligibility for tenure and/or promotion.

Summary Evaluation of the faculty member’s performance and achievements in the areas of teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service, from the issuance of a tenure-line appointment, or from the last successful summary evaluation to date. Completion of the summary evaluation is guided by the Faculty Summary Evaluation for Third-Year Review; Promotion; and/or Tenure form

Current curriculum vitae that outlines all of the candidate’s professional work.

Current statement of teaching philosophy.

Five yearly self-evaluation narratives in chronological order; or if the faculty member has a shortened or lengthened probationary period, one self-evaluation for every full year of service beginning with the issuance of a tenure-line appointment. 

For an individual requesting consideration for promotion to associate professor only, one self-evaluation for every full year of service beginning with the issuance of a tenure-line appointment. For an individual requesting consideration for promotion to full professor, one self-evaluation for every full year of service since being promoted to associate professor.

Five yearly Faculty Summative Evaluations in chronological order completed by the academic Dean or designee; or if the faculty member has a shortened or lengthened probationary period, one yearly summative evaluation for every full year of service beginning with the issuance of a tenure-line appointment (any missing Summative Evaluations should be indicated and explained), or; 

For an individual requesting consideration for promotion only, the respective number of Faculty Summative Evaluations by the academic Dean, called for by that point in the probationary period or any that are performed under Chapter above, in chronological order.

The letters and completed rubrics from the academic Dean and from the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review resulting from the third-year review.

At minimum, three faculty peer reviews (see Supervisor/Peer Review of Faculty form) completed within twenty-six calendar months prior to October 1 of the application year and received by the candidate no later than October 1 of the application year. At least one of these must be from a tenured faculty member at UIU and one from a full-time faculty member within the candidate’s department or program.  Note that these are in addition to any peer reviews required to be completed by the academic Dean or designee which should also be included.

Copies of all Upper Iowa University Student Questionnaires for Student Evaluation of Instructor and Course received for classes taught since the issuance of a tenure-line appointment or, if the candidate is sitting for promotion only, from the granting of tenure. Any missing student evaluations should be indicated and explained.

At the discretion of the candidate, a section of supplementary materials may be included. Examples of appropriate supporting materials include letters documenting the policies that govern the particular personnel action (e.g., variances to the normal timelines), materials relating to service to Upper Iowa University prior to the issuance of a tenure-line Faculty Teaching Agreement, innovative projects, classroom assessment tools and results, sample web pages (with links shown), student work (used with permission), development of University initiatives, recommendations from former students, acknowledgments of teaching awards/nominations; off-prints of published articles, chapters, and reviews (although reference to citations of same in the curriculum vitae is sufficient); conference presentations or abstracts, grant proposals and reports, accessible forms of creative works, and reviews and citations of professional work; and appropriate correspondence (such as letters indicating the status of a work in press). Some of these materials may be submitted in or make reference to approved electronic formats.

All other documentation deemed relevant by the academic Dean or by the CAO as allowed by Human Resources.

Letters of recommendation may be included with a candidate’s application portfolio, though they are not formally required. Letter writers should send recommendations directly to the Office of Academic Affairs by the October 1st deadline. The CAO will place such letters in the candidate’s application portfolio, and notify the candidate of such action. 


Timeline and Procedures for the Tenure and Promotion Processes


Except in extraordinary circumstances in which timelines are extended pursuant to written notification from the CAO, the following timeline shall be used for the tenure and promotion process (NOTE: In years on which one or more of the dates falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the effective date shall be the following Monday). Failure to meet a deadline on the part of the candidate without an extension will result in a letter generated by the proper authority overseeing said deadline to be placed in the candidate’s application portfolio for either tenure or promotion.  If the academic Dean or the CAO does not meet a deadline, the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review will still consider the application without prejudice.


April 15: In cases of tenure or of simultaneous tenure and promotion to associate professor, the academic Dean will formally notify a candidate of their eligibility, consistent with Chapters 7.2-7.3 in writing by April 15 of the penultimate year of the probationary period to provide information on the process and forms for tenure and, when applicable, promotion. The Dean’s notification letter to the candidate will include any stipulations/conditions pertaining to the candidate’s eligibility. Upon initial eligibility for promotion to full professor, the Dean will notify the faculty member of said eligibility by April 15 of the prior academic year. In the case of a Dean who is eligible for promotion the CAO will initiate the process. 


June 15: A completed copy of the Faculty Self-Evaluation for the previous year must be submitted to the academic Dean by the faculty member applying for tenure, promotion, or both. 


September 15: The Faculty Summative Evaluation Form for the previous year will be completed and signed by the academic Dean and the faculty member applying for tenure and submitted by the Dean to the CAO


October 1: The completed application portfolio shall be submitted by the faculty member applicant to the CAO. In cases of promotion only or where the faculty member has been granted a shortened or lengthened probationary period, these materials shall be compiled by October 1 of the appropriate year. 


October 1: Any letters from other UIU faculty should be submitted to the CAO, who will place such letters in the candidate’s application portfolio. The CAO will notify the candidate of any such letters. 


October 1: The CAO and/or the academic Dean will have reviewed the candidate’s personnel file and will write a letter regarding the findings to be placed in the candidate’s application portfolio. 


October 7: The candidate may respond in writing to letters placed by the CAO and/or the academic Dean in the candidate’s tenure or promotion application portfolio. Responses are to be submitted to the CAO. 


October 7: The CAO will forward the application portfolio to the academic Dean. 


October 22: By no later than the close of business on October 22, the academic Dean will forward to the candidate and the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review the completed Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review, as well as a letter stating the Dean’s recommendation as to whether or not to support the candidate’s application. The Dean shall set forth in her/his letter the reasons for her/his recommendation, tying the recommendation to the criteria for the evaluation of teaching effectiveness, scholarship, professional development, and service as set forth in this Handbook.   


November 30: By no later than the close of business on November 30, the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review will complete the Rubric for Tenure, Promotion, or Review and will simultaneously forward to the faculty member and the CAO the letter and completed rubric from the academic Dean, together with their completed rubric and a letter informing the CAO of their concurrence or lack thereof with the recommendation of the Dean. The committee shall set forth in their letter the reasons for their recommendation, tying the recommendation to the criteria for the evaluation of teaching, scholarship, professional development, and service as set forth in this Handbook.  


December 20: By no later than the close of business on December 20, the CAO shall forward her/his recommendation in writing to both the candidate and to the President of the University and place a copy in the candidate’s personnel file. 


January 15: By no later than the close of business on January 15, the President shall notify the candidate in writing of his/her recommendation to the Board of Trustees. 


March 1: By no later than the close of business on March 1, the Board of Trustees shall make the final promotion and tenure decision and shall so inform the candidate of the Board of Trustees decision. In event of an appeal, the Board of Trustees may extend the deadline and convene a special meeting. Where a faculty member is granted tenure or promotion, the faculty member’s tenured status or enhanced rank shall begin at the beginning of the academic year following the year in which the faculty member was notified of the decision by the Board of Trustees. Faculty members denied tenure shall be entitled to one final year of employment (or, at the University’s discretion, to an offer of a paid leave of up to six months in lieu of a final year of employment). 


If at any time during the tenure or promotion process summarized above, new information unavailable at the outset of the process and not reflected in the portfolio comes to the attention of the academic Dean, the Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review, or any other University representatives involved in reviewing the tenure request, and if this information has the potential to change the outcome of the review, the faculty member shall be provided an opportunity to respond in writing to the new material, which shall then be added to the portfolio and considered as part of the process. In such circumstances, the CAO or designee may adjust the timelines and, in appropriate situations, remand the tenure or promotion review to the appropriate level of review or committee or provide for investigation or fact-finding, in order to ensure a full and fair process that includes appropriate consideration of the new material. 




Extension of the Probationary Period Due to Mitigating Circumstances

A faculty member may request a one-time, one-year extension of the probationary period on the grounds of mitigating circumstances, which means for reasons which the faculty member asserts will negatively impact her/his ability to present a strong case for tenure and over which the faculty member has no control. These reasons might include, but are not limited to, delays in the publication of a book or article or personal circumstances that do not entitle the faculty member to seek leave or an adjustment of the probationary period under Chapter 7.6.2 below.

A request for an extension on the grounds of mitigating circumstances must be made prior to September 1 in the fifth year of the probationary period. The request must be made in writing to the academic Dean and to the CAO and will include the rationale for extending the probationary period.

The academic Dean will convene the current Committee on Tenure, Promotion, and Review, which will review the request and will forward a recommendation to the Dean by no later than September 21, who, in turn, will forward the recommendation of the committee, together with her/his recommendation, to the CAO by no later than September 29. The faculty member will receive a written response to the request from the administration no later than October 15

If the extension request is granted, the probationary period would then be seven academic years in length. If granted tenure, year eight would be the faculty member’s first year as a tenured faculty member. If not granted tenure, the seventh year is the faculty member’s final year of University employment. The academic Dean or CAO will notify the faculty member of the decision and, in the case of the granting of such request, also note the timeline adjustments and any effect upon the criteria that will be used to evaluate the faculty member’s application for tenure under the adjusted timeline. In most circumstances, an extension of the tenure clock will not change the criteria or expectations for tenure that are set forth in this Handbook or that are applied to faculty members. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to ensure that copies of any written extensions are included in the portfolio. 


Leave From or Adjustment of Probationary Clock, Promotion or Review Timelines Requested Under the ADA or Family Medical Leave Act or For Military Service

The faculty member should make a written request directly to the academic Dean and CAO, as well as copying the Human Resources Office, in cases where the faculty member’s request results from the requirements of military service, falls within the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act or Family Medical Leave Act, or is related to the birth or adoption of a child, period of disability, or serious health condition of the faculty member or the faculty member’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent.

Such requests are governed by University policy and federal and state law, as well as by the provisions of this Handbook, and will be jointly addressed by these administrative offices of the University.

If a faculty member requests an extension of the tenure clock or leave that is not granted under this provision but might be granted under the “mitigating circumstances” provision set forth above, the faculty member has the right to request consideration of the leave or adjustment request under that provision as well.

When the clock restarts on the faculty member’s probationary period or promotion/ review timelines, the Faculty Handbook in effect at the time the clock restarts shall govern the faculty member’s application for tenure and/or promotion except as otherwise agreed between the faculty member and University.

When necessary to ensure a full and fair tenure review or other process, the University shall also have the discretion to extend a faculty member’s probationary clock or promotion/review timelines. Circumstances in which this might occur include, but are not limited to, extensions necessary in order for the University to complete an ongoing investigation into the conduct of the tenure, promotion, or review candidate or circumstances in which necessary documentation and evidence has not been received or assembled on a timely basis in order to meet the timelines set forth in this Handbook for consideration of a tenure or promotion request, or review process. Prior to extending the clock in this circumstance, the University will communicate with the faculty member about options that do not involve extension of the clock, and any such determination will be set forth in writing and may be grieved by the faculty member using the Faculty Grievance Process set forth in Chapter 9.